Tuesday, December 12, 2006
A Long, Long Time
Now I am again back at square one, and starting over. Today is day two of being on program and I am going to take it day by day. I have also rejoined the gym.
Wish me luck and pray for me.
Monday, September 04, 2006
Let The Vacation Begin
So I need coping strategies. Here is one thing I am going to do.
I am writing sayings on a note card to keep in my wallet to refer to when I need to. Actually I thing I will make two copies so I can keep one handy in the car. I always have problems on long car trips and the next four days is going to be one LONG car trip. So here is my list:
1. Persistence not perfection!
2. I am a good person and I deserve to be happy, healthy, thin, and rich!
(Quote by MaryGrace)
3. I think I can, I think I can....the little red engine.
4. If it is to be it is up to me.
5. Be strong
6. Be focused
7. Be determined
8. Succeed
9. I CAN do this.
10. I WANT to do this.
11. Don't trade what you want at the moment for what you want the
most. (HEALTH)
I really need to keep these points in mind because I am 56 years old and I want to be as healthy and productive as I can for as long as I can. This process will never be easy, I just have to want it bad enough to "pay the price".
I also will keep journaling my food. Everything I read everywhere says in order to be successful at this, journaling is crucial.
As usual Mary it is up to you....do you want it BAD enough? Be good to yourself and love yourself. You deserve to be happy!
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Day Three of ??
Oh I weighed in at 185.4 yesterday, that is up .4 from last Saturday. Based on the week I had.....I was happy.
As usual...be focused...be determined..succeed!!
Friday, September 01, 2006
Sixty Days
My 10,000 steps a day goal didn't go very well either. I only had 2 days over 10,000 both of them were over 12,000, the other days I got about 7 to 8,000. It is just too busy now while we are trying to get ready to leave.
Now on the food front...that isn't going very well either but I bounced back OP starting today. This is just so hard!
Don't I have ANY good news???? Guess not.
When I blog tomorrow, it will be better...
Sunday, August 27, 2006
It's A Bust (So Far)
Otherwise I am doing well with my OP eating ...today is day WOW I am not sure if it is 5 or 6 or 7. I will have to look that up and keep track.
Nothing else new...just to
Be focused....................be determined............and.........succeed!!
Saturday, August 26, 2006
I guess I need to pick a healthy habit for this week and I am going to make the commitment this week to walk 10,000 steps a day and wear my pedometer daily.
Be focused.....be determined...succeed!
I guess I need to pick a healthy habit for this week and I am going to make the commitment this week to walk 10,000 steps a day and wear my pedometer daily.
Be focused.....be determined...succeed!
Friday, August 25, 2006
Day Four
I can't really think of anything to say so I guess this will be a short blog.
Focus...succeed....keep the faith!!
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Persistence Not Perfection
I have a question regarding something I have been reading about on the WW boards. It concerns "Eight Good Health Guidelines". These guidelines must be listed someplace on the WW boards but I have yet to find them..which leads me to believe they might be restricted to subscribers. I am going to start a thread asking about them.
Another thing I am wondering about is a heart rate monitor. The one mentioned is a Polar F6...guess I will have to do some on line research. Don't know if I am really interested in one but I have been reading about a lot of posters that use them.
I had a good OP day today so I am counting it as day 3 in a row. I think if I can get to 7 OP days in a row I can get back up to a long string like I had before. I do realize one thing....I absolutely cannot eat any sweets....they just kill me. They make me have unbelievable cravings for more and more. I really have to forgo them. It is really in my best interest to forget them. I do get satisfaction from sweet fruits like peaches and berries so I will have to make sure they are my only source of sweets.
Oh, I found another WW poster web site today...one that really impressed me, one of her points was to choose an activity or nutrition guideline to focus on each week rather than make a weekly weight loss goal. Now that really makes sense because a person can go absolutely crazy putting so much focus on weight and the number on the scale. Making healthy food choices and exercising will get the job done eventually. I need to remember...the time will pass regardless of what I do with it.
I can DO this, I WANT to do this, I WILL do this.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Here I Am
I have been stuck on the same weight (186.4) for three weeks. That needs to change this week so I am going to be faithful. I weigh in on Sat which is 3 days from now and see if I have budged the scale. Good luck Mary!!
I am going to branch out on this blog to other topics and other issues that are on my mind. After all, I am the only one reading this and I want to explore my thoughts sometimes. Who knows I might surprise myself and I also might learn something about me.
Now to get back to the primary focus....Mary you can and will be successful.........why??? Because you want to and because you will NEVER give up. Be good to yourself!!
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Why does this have to be so hard. The difficulty of losing weight , and staying focused is so hard. I was doing so well....too bad I went on a winery tour. Once you fall off the wagon, it is so hard to get back on no matter how long you were faithfully OP. I know this is a lifesytle and not a diet. I also know I feel that I do eat healthy, I do veggies and fruits daily... it is just so HARD!! Anyway, I am going make a serious effort to blog everyday no matter what kind of day I am having. That should make me accountable. I need to keep focused....
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Never Give Up!!
I haven't been journaling my food 100% either, but today is a new week, a new start, and a new commitment. I am getting a little nervous since we leave for home in 17 DAYS. I may not be under 180 by then but I KNOW I will be a lot closer. I have to stand back and realize that I started out this summer over 200# so I have made progress. I could have done better but I am heading in the right direction and even if it takes me a year to lose the weight...that is OK...the time is going to pass anyway and after-all I am NOT in a contest. I am embarking on a permanent lifestyle change.
Mary be focused, be determined, and succeed!!
Monday, August 14, 2006
Push: The energy or motivation to accomplish or undertake something.
OK....I am again correct ....... I have always liked words and this one meant what I thought it did.
Now, back to the dead table. I was standing there and this word entered my head and I thought this is the word that I will use today in describing my determination to succeed. In my mind, I have to explain what was the impetus or moment that made me determined to lose. It was in the wardrobe department of Harvey's in May, I was trying on uniform shirts. I realized that an extra large woman's shirt would not come close to fitting me...talk about impetus...that was it. AND to add insult to injury, they gave me a men's x-tra large and it did fit.....except for the bottom two buttons that I could not button. OK...now I am ready to confront this lifelong demon. God give me strength and determination!!
Even if I don't lose weight every week and I really haven't the past couple of weeks ( I haven't gained either), I am still working on this project. I want to lose weight and I WILL lose weight...how ever long it takes. Weight is just one component, my main goal is to become healthier. Also I just want to feel good. I also want to look, if not good, reasonable. I want to be strong, I want to be energetic, I want to be good at what I do. Is that too much to ask??
Yesterday, Saturday, I weighed in at 186.4# which is up .2# from last week but that isn't bad considering the really rotten week I had.
OK I was reading my last entry and I have either 8 or 9 days OP...well forget that...today is day 3. I am just appalled at how tough this whole process is. Even though I am determined and don't quit..it is not easy. I know for the rest of my life I will have to fight this problem. I can do that but I just don't want it to continue to be the demon it is today. I want it to be regulated to the same category as tooth brushing or shampooing, you know something you have to do but not the main focus of your day. Does that make sense? Anyway I CAN do this and I WILL do this. Mary..focus...be determined. succeed!!
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Day by Day
I didn't exercise today, that is really something I need to do as soon as I get up because once the day starts I just don't.
OK Mary you need to focus and be determined!! You know you can..as Nike puts it "just do it".
Hanging in There
I have been thinking about something. The highest weight I have ever seen on a scale I have been standing on is 223#. What a horrendous number, but I do have to say I have only seen that once and the closest I have ever come to that again is 213#. Which makes me wonder...what is the motivator to "go so far and no farther?". AND can I set that "so far and no farther" point at 155# rather than 213# or whatever. I have read so many accounts on the WW boards where people talk about losing weight and then gaining that and then some back. I do have to say I have never reached my highest again. I have gotten close to it but have managed not to go way off the deep end. I've read postings on the WW message boards from people that weigh 250, 300, 350, 400, even 500#. How can someone get to that point?? And THANK GOD I never have. What is the "whatever" that makes a person not cross that line?? I would really like to know.
I need to get that determination back....I really want to succeed..I know how...
1. Write down every bite that goes into my mouth.
2. Keep a positive attitude
3. Exercise
4. Be strong
5. Don't give up
6. Realize the big picture
7. Keep the faith
8. Want it bad enough to do whatever it takes!!
Stay determined....stay focused.....succeed
According to MaryGrace...I am a good person and I deserve to be thin, happy, healthy, and rich!!
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Kick My Ass
I officially fell off the wagon on 7-28. I actually may have fallen off the 27th but I could have justified being OP through my wine trip to Placerville, but I know me and I just felt uneasy about that so I made it a "no brainier" on the 28th. A definite falling off the wagon. I sure wish I would have eaten something really decadent but I didn't, I just ate junk that I didn't even like to make it official. OK you have now messed up. Now we are back on the wagon and OP for 6 days. That is good and I need to get to goal. I was looking at myself today and feeling really good about the losing weight this summer. And that is something to feel good about, but I can't forget that I still want to lose at least 33 more pounds and even thought I look better, I still want to look a LOT better. And I will!!
Ok..Mary be focused...be determined...and succeed!!
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Way To Go!!
When I finally figured out that, in order to succeed at weight loss, I will have to count my points and journal my food intake for the rest of my life, I was going to take one or two days a month off and eat whatever I wanted. I now realize that isn't such a good idea and I really don't want to do that. I also don't want to screw up my CDOPs !! The other night when I ate those Toll House Candy Bars, I had the most upset stomach. And it took a full day to feel better. It just isn't worth it to abuse my system that way. Apparently age is making my system a little more delicate!! I feel better when I eat good nutritious food.
Now on to my next problem. Although it isn't really a problem, I feel very ashamed of myself for not exercising. I feel so much better when I exercise so why aren't I?? I know for sure I will be going back to the gym when I get back to Laughlin. I really liked going and with payroll deduction I sure didn't miss the money. Guess I just decided to take the summer off....
Mary you are doing great.....stay focused.....determined.....and succeed!! You can do this!!
Monday, July 24, 2006
I got some new walking shoes today. They are hightops and my first experience with them but they were on sale and I decided to try them out.
Today was a day off and we went for drinks....not a real diet friendly thing to do.
Oh I forgot to put my Saturday weight on the blog...I weighed in at 186.2#!!! Great!! Even though I didn't weigh myself at the beginning of this journey, I am guessing I started at 201# minimum. So I am thinking since June 10 I have lost 15#. That is a little over 2# per week and that is a very healthy rate and one which I am happy about. I need to keep this pace and really want to. If I keep up the pace, when I get home I will have another 10 to 12 pounds off or in other word 25 to 27 pounds off. That would be so wonderful and I would be thrilled!!
OK...this is where the usual pep talk appears!! Keep it up Mary..you can do this!! Stay focused and determined!!! Your turn to succeed!!
Friday, July 21, 2006
FORTY TWO DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Boy I didn't realize that I hadn't blogged since the 18th. Wow that is a long time actually. Other things on my mind I guess.
Going to Bill's funeral yesterday helped us both. We needed that closure. I know I will never forget about this tragedy but it is no longer in the foreground of my mind..thankfully. In fact today we went hiking at Camp Richardson and at the wishing well I put in a coin for each and wished peace for their souls. And also peace for their families.
Now to concentrate on the purpose of this blog. It is all about ME. I am very determined and I am very happy that I have stuck this out for 42 days and intend to continue on.
Keep it up Mary..you can do this ...you want to do this. Stay focused...stay determined...and succeed!!
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Be Careful...Be VERY Careful!!
Otherwise it is day 39 so we break another decade tomorrow!!
Keep strong...be focused...and SUCCEED!!
Per Mary Grace.."I am a good person and I deserve to be happy, healthy, thin, and RICH"!!
Monday, July 17, 2006
Way To Go!!
WOW, I am full, it is 8pm and we just finished eating...we always eat way too late on days off.
Keep it up Mary, you are doing really well and will continue doing well. Remember stay focused, be determined, and SUCCEED!!
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Short and Sad
Sad because the news of Bill and Linda reached us today and we've thought of little else.
Keep it up Mary...stay focused...be determined..and succeed.
Friday, July 14, 2006
An Observation
Today is day 35 and tomorrow is a weigh in day. I must confess that I did eat all of my flex points this week. I did walk today too.
Day 35....Mary you CAN do this!!
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
I didn't do my "walk" today but I did walk around the shops downtown. Not quite the same thing but it is definitely moving.
OK this past winter I was very consistent going to the gym 4 to 5 days a week. I didn't lose any weight but I wasn't watching my food intake either. So that was to be expected. Now I am watching my food intake (to the tune of 33 straight days) but I am not really exercising like I did last winter or have done in the past. I have a whole cupboard full of exercise videos and I guess I need to start doing them. I think it would help me tremendously. I just need to get my but in gear. It is somewhat difficult to get in the habit because of our unpredictable work schedule. We start anywhere from 6 AM to 2 PM and have split days off. OK so I am whining and I should be able to accommodate the schedule. It isn't as if I have a big house or kids to take care of. I can do anything I want with my time. I am going to have to work on this problem.
Good for you Mary...33 days in a row...you CAN do this!!
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Thirty Two
We played with the grill again today but I grilled chicken breast and veggies. Better for my food diary than pizza and it tasted really good. I also made some fresh salsa since I was able to go to the Farmer's Market.
Great job Mary....you CAN do this and you want to do this. Stay focused!!
Monday, July 10, 2006
To Weigh or Not To Weigh
I actually think daily weighing would be more beneficial after a person reaches their goal weight. That is when I plan on being a daily weigher..
I am thinking the new grill might be a bad thing...we have now had pizza two days in a row. I have been using flex points to accomodate the pizza but I can't keep on with this daily pizza stuff. The rest of this week, I need to really tow the mark.
A couple of days ago I e-mailed a "letter to the editor" of Redbook Magazine regarding the 3 ladies doing the lifestyle challenge. Surprise, surprise today I got an e-mail back stating they might use my letter in the Sept. issue and they needed my full name. Cool...I might have to buy one if they do.
Today is day 31 and I am still OP but need to really watch it the rest of the week and I CAN do that. Remember--IF IT IS TO BE IT IS UP TO ME!!--
Mary you can do this, and you want to do this. Be strong--be focused--and be successful.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
I Missed One!
Today is 30 days in a row of following the the Weight Watcher's eating guidelines. I am very thankful I have made the decision to follow this plan, I am sure it is why I currently weigh 189.2# It's been a long time since I was under 190# and I couldn't be more pleased.
While on this journey to become a healthier person, I try to notice the little things along the way. Such as a pair of shorts that now fit and didn't before or the fact that my arms hang straight down from my shoulders instead of taking a detour by my hips. I try to be thankful for all of these little victories and savor them. I read somewhere that for every pound lost you take 4# of pressure off your knees. My knees are very thankful about that!!
Mary you are doing great. Remember you can do this and that you WANT to day this!! Way to go...........and keep it up.....the rewards are definitely worth it!!
Friday, July 07, 2006
I Am So Thankful!!
Normally I weigh in on Saturdays, but I decided to weigh today too. This is just great!!
Mary you CAN do this!!
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
So why would it be any different when it comes to weight control? It wouldn't. This blog is a tool, it helps me keep focused and to put my thoughts down. I actually like that and while I have many times tried to keep a journal, I have never kept at it. For some reason typing seems easier for me.
The weight watchers message boards and web site are two other tools I use on a daily basis. I get a lot of good information on both. I have thought many times of joining WW on-line, but for some reason I just don't feel it is the right tool for me. I can access a lot of areas of their web site and I really enjoy them but I just don't feel the additional benefits are worth $17 per month. Having said that, I am seriously considering joining a different on-line site called my food diary. It is only $9 per month, but has a lot of features I think would benefit me and more importantly would use. It also does reports complete with charts based on your input and also makes suggestions for improvements. You input the food you eat and all your activity and it tallies up nutrition information, plus calories burned. If the program doesn't recognize the food, you can enter the recipe ingredients and it will calculate everything. The way I like to cook, that is definitely a feature that appeals to me. The site tour I took really impressed me but I won't be joining until I get back to Laughlin for the winter. Mainly because I will be without a computer while home in Sept/Oct. And of course I want to think about whether I really want to spend the money. The correct tool for the job is important and I am want to make sure that is what I get.
Plus today is day 26 OP....Way to go Mary!! You CAN do this!!
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
My personal experience in regard to environment is an awareness of acceptance of my own weight. In Laughlin, I am far from the fattest person I see on a daily basis and because of that I have a different attitude and a different motivational level. But in Lake Tahoe, while I am not the fattest person I see on a daily basis, I am a lot closer. There is just a lot less fat people in Lake Tahoe and even less extreme obesity. I wonder why that is? Anyway I sure plan to fit in better in the summer of 2007.
Today is day 25 of being OP. Way to go Mary!! You can do this!! Remember this quote from MaryGrace "I am a good person and I deserve to be thin, happy, healthy.....and rich"!
Monday, July 03, 2006
Today is the 24th day in a row that I have stayed OP and although I have used more flex points this week than I normally do (due mostly to yesterday's pizza) I am still on track.
Good job Mary!! You can do this!!
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Rolling Along
I was definitely in danger of going off program today, not because I wanted to binge but because I was watching the Food Network and I wanted to make something that I wouldn't know the nutritional value of. On the program "Boy Meets Grill", the boy was making pizza on the grill. One of my interest this summer has been pizza making. The one that interested me was grilled shrimp pizza with cilantro pesto. A quick inventory showed that I had all of the ingredients on hand so out came the bread machine and in went pizza dough ingredients. It was so good!! I had 16 points left for the day and I also added 10 of my flex points to cover it. Actually I think I was generous, but I don't want to be in danger of going over points and screwing up my CDOPs.
This 23 day string is very important to me, and I want to keep it going. I am also very proud of it.
Way to go Mary!! You can do this!!
Saturday, July 01, 2006
SV AKA Scale Victory!
I have been walking the last couple of days but I need to get back to my exercise CDs. I enjoy them but just haven't been motivated for some reason. I neeed to remember to just get off by ass and "DO IT!" Another thing I need to keep in mind is that something is better than nothing. So again, "Just Do It"!
Rex just stepped on the scale and it stopped at 200.8# which is down for him cuz the last time he weighed in at 203#.
Mary you are doing well, this is day 22 and you know you can do this...and you want to succeed!!
Friday, June 30, 2006
21 Days and Counting
I cannot believe how different my thinking is right now. What I want is so different and so attainable, provided I follow the time proven guidelines. But the good news is..I can do that!! Tomorrow is weight in day and I hope it is good news. I made the mistake of weighing myself a couple of days ago and I was up. I just have to remember , daily weight can be deceiving...having salt the day b4 can have such an impact as well as other factors. I have read that some of the WW people take a 4 week average to use as their weight. I can certainly understand that practice. Anyway tomorrows weigh in should be interesting.
I am going to share this on the blog, I have a pair of shorts I plan on trying on when I bit 190#...that is 190# or less, 190.2# is not acceptible for this ....wish me luck...I am thinking it will be approximately July 8 or 15 when I try them on.
Mary you CAN do this!!
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Still Plugging Away
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Here I Go!!
The best part is I don't wake up in the morning every single day
feeling fat and disgusted with myself. While it is true that my BMI reading is still in the obese catagory, I feel I am doing something about it and each day I get better and better. I am taking this one day at a time and eventually it will all add up to better health and a better quality of life.
There are some people on the WW board that have 250+ OP days, my hats off to them and I am truly inspired by them. Another inspiring person is Adrienne. She is a lady that is being profiled in Redbook Magazine. They selected 3 women that applied to be helped with weight issues. They have had then evaluated by doctors and trainers to assist them and then they are putting their progress in the monthly magazine. Anyway Adrienne is the only one that is really working on it and blogging regularly and having some success. I like to read her blogs.
Well Mary...keep it up. You CAN do this...and more importantly, you WANT to do this.