So I need coping strategies. Here is one thing I am going to do.
I am writing sayings on a note card to keep in my wallet to refer to when I need to. Actually I thing I will make two copies so I can keep one handy in the car. I always have problems on long car trips and the next four days is going to be one LONG car trip. So here is my list:
1. Persistence not perfection!
2. I am a good person and I deserve to be happy, healthy, thin, and rich!
(Quote by MaryGrace)
3. I think I can, I think I can....the little red engine.
4. If it is to be it is up to me.
5. Be strong
6. Be focused
7. Be determined
8. Succeed
9. I CAN do this.
10. I WANT to do this.
11. Don't trade what you want at the moment for what you want the
most. (HEALTH)
I really need to keep these points in mind because I am 56 years old and I want to be as healthy and productive as I can for as long as I can. This process will never be easy, I just have to want it bad enough to "pay the price".
I also will keep journaling my food. Everything I read everywhere says in order to be successful at this, journaling is crucial.
As usual Mary it is up to you want it BAD enough? Be good to yourself and love yourself. You deserve to be happy!