So what does one do without Internet service for the summer?
Number 1 on the list: Spending A LOT more time outside. This is pretty easy when you live on 40 acres in the Southwest. Did I mention that summer temps here can be, and frequently are, over 110? On the BIG plus side, I get to experience beautiful landscape, very rugged and with a degree of danger…so far I have had 4 encounters with snakes…..2 rattlers and 2 red racers. Burros also run wild around here, as do jackrabbits, lizards, coyotes, quail, several types of rodents, and a lot of stuff I don’t even know about. Yup I have been spending a lot of time enjoying this place.
Another thing I have been doing is putting together puzzles. It is a great mind vacation. They are challenging and allow you to use your eyesight, your ability to recognize complex shapes, and your patience level!! If you focus on finding the pieces, your mind clears and it is so nice to get thoughts to go away for a while. Of course, studying pieces and be tedious and frustrating, but really fun when your find that long sought after piece.