Monday, February 28, 2011

It’s Hard To Be Faithful

I sometimes try to find blogs I used to read and see how they are doing.  It’s strange how these people become acquaintances thru their blogs.  Anyway I find many that haven’t updated much and I know why.

It is hard to come up with daily posts that have interesting content.  I know that is a problem I struggle with.  I have lots of drafts that never get finished and published.  You have to be really dedicated to publish daily, not to mention creative.  It’s tough.

I also understand that the longer you don’t post, the harder it is to come up with something.   It’s certainly that way for me.

All I can say, I really admire bloggers that post just about everyday.  It’s damn tough.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Diet Pepsi

I love Diet Pepsi.  I have a cooler in my trunk with iced Diet Pepsi 24/7.  I like my caffeine cold!

In light of recent revelations regarding the health affects of diet soda, I was asked, in a blog, if I had recently quit drinking diet soda and if so, how I did it.

The first paragraph of this post was true until November of ‘10.  The first week of November 2010, I quit drinking Diet Pepsi.  Since that time I have had one can of Diet Pepsi and 1 small glass of tap Diet Coke.  So how did I do it??  I just did it as Niki would say…quitting diet soda is similar to quitting cigarettes.  You never have to drink diet soda or smoke cigarettes again.  I wish food worked that way.   Can’t live without food, you just can’t. 

I really didn’t have a caffeine withdrawal headache or mood swings so it wasn’t so bad to give it up.  And I like not spending all that money on pop and ice!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Get A Mirror, Please

As I have mentioned before, I am in a position that I can people watch.  Because of that I have noticed an interesting grooming problem.  This problem is not divided evenly between male and female, it is much more prevalent among females.

Here’s the problem, a lot of hairdos  look great from the front, but from the back there is a big flat spot from which hair radiates out in all directions.  From sleeping I am guessing.  Anyway, I make sure  to look at the back of my head with a mirror everyday.

A hand mirror works great to  look at the back of your head.   So, please get a mirror!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Proud Of Me

At least 7 years ago I ordered exercise videos from a TV  “infomercial”.    The program is called Debbie Siebers’ “Slim in Six”.  I did them on and off for a couple of years.

I haven’t done an exercise video for at least 2 years and this particular series for about 5.  A couple of weeks ago, I made a goal of doing one exercise video during the week.  Sounded like it would be the most difficult goal of the week.  But in reality, it was the best.  I found myself going into the cupboard that the stored DVDs'  are.  It was like looking through an album of old friends.  I came upon “Slim in Six” and decided I would do it right then.  It was so much fun that I did “Start it Up” twice in a row!!

I did “Start It Up” about 10 times over a couple of weeks so decided to try “Ramp It Up”.  I did in fact remember a lot of this from years ago.  “Ramp It Up” is a bit challenging but I shocked myself at how well I kept up with it.  I only had to take a little break during floor leg and butt work and abs.  But my breaks were mostly between 4 to 8 counts.

To be honest, I had less difficulty doing this video now than I did the first time I tried it when I first got it years ago. 

Quite frankly, I am proud of me.  I have steadily increased my level of physical fitness through the years. That fact has great dividends .

I am totally right on to stress the importance of posture and balance.  They are necessary skills for physical activity.

I am very proud of the fact that I have kept up so well.  Way to go Mary!!

Saturday, February 12, 2011


The man I love is not my husband.  This gives me a major problem.

What the hell do I call him??  I am far to old to have a boyfriend (he is after all a man) and refuse to refer to him as such. 

So what else is available?

Significant Other—Way too cumbersome to say or use.

Spousal Equivalent--Again too cumbersome.

Gentleman Friend—Too old fashioned and quaint for these days.

I could call him my honey, I guess, or some other form of endearment but that just doesn’t do it for me.

So most of the time I just call him Rex and don’t give him any relationship label, but I must admit that I sometimes do refer to him as my husband.  I read somewhere that Goldie Hawn refers to Kurt as her husband and, by God, if it works for Goldie, it can work for me too.

Friday, February 11, 2011


Entering the sixth decade of life has not been easy for me.  All the other decade milestones didn’t bother me at all, but 60 has been quite different and difficult.  Of course it doesn’t help that you become a member of the “lumped age”.  You have your 20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s but once you hit your 60s, you not longer get your own decade—you are “lumped” in the 60s and up.

This morning Meridith Viera (the Today Show) hit the nail on the head for me.  “I don’t want to be invisible”.  That is what she said and exactly how I feel.

When you are young, people check you out, when you are older no one gives a shit.

How do you combat that?  When someone has the answer, would you let me know?  Or maybe we don’t really want attention, sometimes attention can be scary.

Our mirrors are even trying to make us invisible or at least faded.  It’s true, you get to a point where your hair grays and your skin does something (and I have no idea what) that it looks like it is fading.  The overall affect seems to be a general “washed out” look.

That “washed out” look is what got me using make up again after not wearing any for several years.  I just wanted some color.  I only wear eye make up no foundation.  I think foundation looks fake most of the time or I just have no idea how to properly use it.

My gray hair-----call me crazy, but I really like my gray hair.  So I don’t color it.  I did from the age of 42  for 10 years.  I really began to resent the time and money it was taking.  So I decided to see what my hair looked like natural and to my surprise, I LIKED IT! Thank God because I sure have saved a lot of money.

Anyway I really don’t want to feel invisible or be ignored.  I guess it would help to be interested and interesting.

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Life Expectancy

I am sure that most people realize that the life expectancy of human beings has steadily risen during the 20th century.  People used have a much shorter life span.  Miraculous medical discoveries and unbelievable drugs have helped increase the number of years a person can expect to live.
I have heard this information many, many times, but last week I heard something new.  This information was on “The Doctors” TV show.
It is true that people are living longer.
It is also true that the functional years  people live has DECREASED.
That is not good news. 
My daughter works as a nurse’s aide in a state run nursing home.  What a sad place to be and I cannot begin to tell you how much I admire her for doing that work.  But how sad and depressing and if it is true that more and more people live more years but not longer functional years, her job will be secure. 
I wish every person had to visit a nursing home.  Not all, but some of those people are their because of self abuse and neglect of their bodies and brains.  We all might as well face the music and decide to exercise daily, eat healthfully, and exercise our brains.  Don’t neglect the importance of your balance and posture. 
It’s the only way we have any control over the life we get to live as the years roll by.

Thursday, February 03, 2011

I Am What I Am

I was watching Dr. Oz today.  His program was about anti-aging.  One lady was upset about everything going South and sagging, her butt, her face, her boobs, her everything.

While talking about these problems, she mentioned that she has 5 children and has been married to her husband more than 30 years.  Because of her “Southward” problem she does not allow her husband to see her naked.  That astounds me.  This woman was beautiful and certainly not obese or anything.  And even if she was, how can you have an intimate relationship with someone if you aren’t, well, intimate?

In my relationship, I have ranged from 160# to 213# and I am 5’6” so I have never been what you would consider slender.  This is over a period of 13 years and I am 60 now so he hasn’t ever seen me as a person either but he has seen me naked each and every day.  My attitude is similar to Popeye’s.

I am what I am, that is all that I am.

I’m Popeye the Sailor man!!

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

My Journey, My Plan

Plan-what plan??  I don’t have a plan.  I should have a plan.  I know the saying “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail”.  So what is wrong with me??  Why am I plan-less?? 

Good questions, all.  But do I have answers??  Not really.  I have such good intentions, but I don’t get anywhere.   Sort of follows my life journey so far……I just ricochet through life like a bullet.  Could that be why I am 60 years old and have nothing?  Probably.

So how does one change?  Is it possible?  I have also heard:  a leopard does not change it’s spots and you cannot teach an old dog new tricks.  Is that absolutely true??  Of course not….(I hope). One of the beauties of being human is the ability to reason and change.