Wednesday, August 08, 2007

On Track???!!!???

On July 3rd Rex decided to go on a diet. That was an extreme shock to me. He has never seriously expressed ANY interest in dieting before. I was dumbfounded. So his plan was to weigh himself everyday and go pretty much on a starvation diet. He slashed his beer consumption and quit using sugar in his coffee-and he put 2.5 teaspoons in every cup! He is now using Splenda in his coffee. So far he has lost 16 pounds and 2.5 inches off his belly. His belly was the only measurement we took and we will be measuring every 4 weeks. As is typical of him, he jumped in with both feet. I put together a spreadsheet for him to keep track of his daily weight and loss percentage. I would say that a lot of days he only eats once but some days he eats more often but less than he used so the combination has been successful for him. I have cautioned him about starvation messing up his metabolism. Fortunately he has also heard professionals on TV programs also mentioning the metabolism slowdown. He has also been walking and every morning we go on a walk. He has been a lot more dedicated than I thought he would be. As usual he is surprising the hell out of me.

Of course I had to jump on the same bandwagon. I have lost 13# in the same amount of time. Having him working on this problem makes it much easier for me to keep motivated. I think he started out with a BMI of 28 and is now at 26. 24.9 is considered normal. So his BMI is classified as overweight. He is now 189# and when he his 184# he will be in the normal weight BMI group. I on the other hand, after losing 13#, still have a BMI of 31 which is in the obese category. When I hit 185# I will be in the overweight BMI category. I currently also weight 189# so I am close.

Wish us luck....onward and downward!!