Sunday, May 23, 2010

Lean, Strong, Healthy, and Rich

Ever think about what  adjectives you would like used to describe yourself.  For me, I would like lean, strong, healthy, and rich.  At the moment two of them apply: strong and healthy.  Actually healthy is the most important and I am grateful that I am a healthy person.  I am doing whatever I can to stay healthy-exercising, eating lots of fruits and vegetables, lean meats, and fish.  The lean part is getting more attainable due to working out.

Don’t get me wrong, there are other adjectives I would like people to think when the see me--kind, good hearted, generous, and just plain nice but those four are my goal.

Rich—not yet but I keep buy Power Ball tickets!!  Maybe someday!!  Got my fingers crossed.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

A Plan For Summer

Now that my vacation is over, I am working on me again.  This weeks goal is to do 20 minutes of yoga every morning when I first get up.  Actually a few months ago, I did do 20 minutes of yoga poses when I first got up--so what the hell happened?  Don't really know, just got lazy and complacent I guess.  Tomorrow is Monday and the traditional day of new beginnings. 

I can, I will!!

P. S,  For the summer I am staying at a place without Internet so my postings will be somewhat sporatic, but they will be made when ever I can.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Is This Old

Does it mean you are old when you have no clue who most of the people are that appear on most red carpets?  Apparently I have lost touch with the young famous people.  I just don't recognize any names.

Today Oprah had on a 16 year old Justin Bieber and 18 year old Charice.  Had no clue who he was but did recognize Charice the minute she sang-who could forget a huge voice like that coming out of that tiny girl?  I had seen her on Oprah's show a couple of years ago.

Anyway-today I am feeling very, very old and out of touch!

Monday, May 10, 2010

A Week!!

Once again I have let a week go by without blogging....

My only excuse, I am on vacation and have not had Internet access everyday.  We have been having a great time, but I am positive the scale will not be happy with me when I get home.  I have been working out though, but it is tough not to eat stuff I shouldn't. 

When I get home I have a plan to get back on track......

I can, I will!

Monday, May 03, 2010

Having Children Is Not About You..

Having children is not about you, or at least not ALL about you.  Does anyone ever wonder if the child you are thinking about having will be emotionally nurtured and physically cared for, in the situation you will be providing?  I know I sure didn't before I became a parent.  Will that child you want be raised in an atmosphere where both parents like and respect each other?  Mine sure weren't. 

I can't believe that this soceity does not find a way to put a stop to this indescriminate population explosion.  This is such a dis-service to  children.  Too many children are being born to children.  My 21 year old grandson has a daughter that is 4 or 5.  HE is still a child and he is not alone, multiply this by hundreds of thousands. 

What a difference it would make if we would all wait to bring a precious life into this world until becoming an adult ourselvers.  I know I would have been a totally different parent.  And I would have tried to be wise in selecting the person to share this experience with.

I was a terrible Mother and since Mother's Day is coming up, I decided to be honest about my experience as a Mother and to try and make people understand that MY CHILDREN are paying a price  because I didn't have a clue about how to care for them.    I never required anything from them and I never taught them to do anything.  I cannot even begin to express how sad I am about this.  We all missed out because I was way too immature.  Needless to say, I do not have one maternal instinct in my body. And I became a single parent at a young age.  These are all facts.

To all of these people that say:

I want to have a baby, I want to have a baby....

Consider what the baby (toddler, preschooler, grade schooler, middle schooler, teenager  because they don't stay a baby),  might want.....

Having a CHILD is not ONLY about YOU!!