Sunday, August 27, 2006

It's A Bust (So Far)

Remember that 10,000 steps a day habit I am focusing on this week. Well it is not going real well...the first day I got 6830 steps and today was 6807. It was not a very smart habit to work on right now. We are just too busy trying to get ready to hit the road next. Also yesterday I was suffering horribly with a cold and a nose that ran like a faucet. The cold was much better today, but I still didn't hit the 10,000 step goal. We will see what happens the rest of the week.

Otherwise I am doing well with my OP eating is day WOW I am not sure if it is 5 or 6 or 7. I will have to look that up and keep track.

Nothing else new...just to
Be determined............and.........succeed!!

Saturday, August 26, 2006


I weighed in this morning at 185# which shifted my BMI from obese to overweight!!! Yes a milestone today!! The next BMI category is normal, which for my height, I need to weigh 153#. That would be 32# from now. Since, in an earlier blog this week, I decided not to make weekly weight loss goal but to instead pick a weekly healthy habit to focus on, I am not going to venture a guess as to when I will hit a normal BMI. Instead I am going to state confidently that I WILL hit a normal BMI.

I guess I need to pick a healthy habit for this week and I am going to make the commitment this week to walk 10,000 steps a day and wear my pedometer daily.

Be determined...succeed!


I weighed in this morning at 185# which shifted my BMI from obese to overweight!!! Yes a milestone today!! The next BMI category is normal, which for my height, I need to weigh 153#. That would be 32# from now. Since, in an earlier blog this week, I decided not to make weekly weight loss goal but to instead pick a weekly healthy habit to focus on, I am not going to venture a guess as to when I will hit a normal BMI. Instead I am going to state confidently that I WILL hit a normal BMI.

I guess I need to pick a healthy habit for this week and I am going to make the commitment this week to walk 10,000 steps a day and wear my pedometer daily.

Be determined...succeed!

Friday, August 25, 2006

Day Four

Today is day four of being OP...a far cry from 48 days, but I have to get to day 4 before I can get to day 48. Just keeping on keeping on I guess. Oh tomorrow I will be weighing.

I can't really think of anything to say so I guess this will be a short blog.

Focus...succeed....keep the faith!!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Persistence Not Perfection

Today's title is a trailer used by one of the WW board participants and I have always thought it is very clever and very TRUE. I say many times, it is one of my best traits, that I do not entirely give up. I keep getting back on the horse and working at it. I just need to keep in mind "persistence".

I have a question regarding something I have been reading about on the WW boards. It concerns "Eight Good Health Guidelines". These guidelines must be listed someplace on the WW boards but I have yet to find them..which leads me to believe they might be restricted to subscribers. I am going to start a thread asking about them.

Another thing I am wondering about is a heart rate monitor. The one mentioned is a Polar F6...guess I will have to do some on line research. Don't know if I am really interested in one but I have been reading about a lot of posters that use them.

I had a good OP day today so I am counting it as day 3 in a row. I think if I can get to 7 OP days in a row I can get back up to a long string like I had before. I do realize one thing....I absolutely cannot eat any sweets....they just kill me. They make me have unbelievable cravings for more and more. I really have to forgo them. It is really in my best interest to forget them. I do get satisfaction from sweet fruits like peaches and berries so I will have to make sure they are my only source of sweets.

Oh, I found another WW poster web site that really impressed me, one of her points was to choose an activity or nutrition guideline to focus on each week rather than make a weekly weight loss goal. Now that really makes sense because a person can go absolutely crazy putting so much focus on weight and the number on the scale. Making healthy food choices and exercising will get the job done eventually. I need to remember...the time will pass regardless of what I do with it.

I can DO this, I WANT to do this, I WILL do this.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Here I Am

Yesterday I said I was going to blog here goes today's blog. I am having a good OP day. Rex took me to Brother's for 2 payday drinks but I counted the points and adjusted my food and made it work. I will continue working on this project and succeeding at it. So what if it takes me a year or two to lose weight....I WILL continue in the right direction.

I have been stuck on the same weight (186.4) for three weeks. That needs to change this week so I am going to be faithful. I weigh in on Sat which is 3 days from now and see if I have budged the scale. Good luck Mary!!

I am going to branch out on this blog to other topics and other issues that are on my mind. After all, I am the only one reading this and I want to explore my thoughts sometimes. Who knows I might surprise myself and I also might learn something about me.

Now to get back to the primary focus....Mary you can and will be successful.........why??? Because you want to and because you will NEVER give up. Be good to yourself!!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


I am having a great day....staying OP and I also walked.

Why does this have to be so hard. The difficulty of losing weight , and staying focused is so hard. I was doing so well....too bad I went on a winery tour. Once you fall off the wagon, it is so hard to get back on no matter how long you were faithfully OP. I know this is a lifesytle and not a diet. I also know I feel that I do eat healthy, I do veggies and fruits daily... it is just so HARD!! Anyway, I am going make a serious effort to blog everyday no matter what kind of day I am having. That should make me accountable. I need to keep focused....

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Never Give Up!!

OK so I haven't been blogging but I haven't entirely lost it either. I weighed the same today as I did last Saturday...thus the "I haven't entirely lost it" thought. The number was 186.4 but that is OK.

I haven't been journaling my food 100% either, but today is a new week, a new start, and a new commitment. I am getting a little nervous since we leave for home in 17 DAYS. I may not be under 180 by then but I KNOW I will be a lot closer. I have to stand back and realize that I started out this summer over 200# so I have made progress. I could have done better but I am heading in the right direction and even if it takes me a year to lose the weight...that is OK...the time is going to pass anyway and after-all I am NOT in a contest. I am embarking on a permanent lifestyle change.

Mary be focused, be determined, and succeed!!

Monday, August 14, 2006


Impetus....I was standing at a dead table at work today and this word popped into my mind. So here we go

Push: The energy or motivation to accomplish or undertake something.

OK....I am again correct ....... I have always liked words and this one meant what I thought it did.

Now, back to the dead table. I was standing there and this word entered my head and I thought this is the word that I will use today in describing my determination to succeed. In my mind, I have to explain what was the impetus or moment that made me determined to lose. It was in the wardrobe department of Harvey's in May, I was trying on uniform shirts. I realized that an extra large woman's shirt would not come close to fitting about impetus...that was it. AND to add insult to injury, they gave me a men's x-tra large and it did fit.....except for the bottom two buttons that I could not button. I am ready to confront this lifelong demon. God give me strength and determination!!

Even if I don't lose weight every week and I really haven't the past couple of weeks ( I haven't gained either), I am still working on this project. I want to lose weight and I WILL lose ever long it takes. Weight is just one component, my main goal is to become healthier. Also I just want to feel good. I also want to look, if not good, reasonable. I want to be strong, I want to be energetic, I want to be good at what I do. Is that too much to ask??

Yesterday, Saturday, I weighed in at 186.4# which is up .2# from last week but that isn't bad considering the really rotten week I had.

OK I was reading my last entry and I have either 8 or 9 days OP...well forget is day 3. I am just appalled at how tough this whole process is. Even though I am determined and don't is not easy. I know for the rest of my life I will have to fight this problem. I can do that but I just don't want it to continue to be the demon it is today. I want it to be regulated to the same category as tooth brushing or shampooing, you know something you have to do but not the main focus of your day. Does that make sense? Anyway I CAN do this and I WILL do this. determined. succeed!!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Day by Day

OK...nine days OP. Today was Farmer's Market day and I got my normal salsa ingredients plus some fruit. I made salsa today so tomorrow I will make some chips and have salsa and chips. I make the chips out of La Tortilla Factory tortillas. They are my favorite and only 50 calories each. Can't beat it.

I didn't exercise today, that is really something I need to do as soon as I get up because once the day starts I just don't.

OK Mary you need to focus and be determined!! You know you Nike puts it "just do it".

Hanging in There

On my second go around I am OP 8 days. Ok that is a respectable start. I also did the Slim in Six "Start it Up" video today. I would really like to head to Wisconsin in 29 days weighing less than 180#. In order to do that I feel that I have to exercise at least 4 days a week. That is in addition to the walking that I do. Do I have that commitment in me?? Yes..and I think I have to work on a "work out" schedule. And also to follow it.

I have been thinking about something. The highest weight I have ever seen on a scale I have been standing on is 223#. What a horrendous number, but I do have to say I have only seen that once and the closest I have ever come to that again is 213#. Which makes me wonder...what is the motivator to "go so far and no farther?". AND can I set that "so far and no farther" point at 155# rather than 213# or whatever. I have read so many accounts on the WW boards where people talk about losing weight and then gaining that and then some back. I do have to say I have never reached my highest again. I have gotten close to it but have managed not to go way off the deep end. I've read postings on the WW message boards from people that weigh 250, 300, 350, 400, even 500#. How can someone get to that point?? And THANK GOD I never have. What is the "whatever" that makes a person not cross that line?? I would really like to know.

I need to get that determination back....I really want to succeed..I know how...
1. Write down every bite that goes into my mouth.
2. Keep a positive attitude
3. Exercise
4. Be strong
5. Don't give up
6. Realize the big picture
7. Keep the faith
8. Want it bad enough to do whatever it takes!!

Stay determined....stay focused.....succeed

According to MaryGrace...I am a good person and I deserve to be thin, happy, healthy, and rich!!

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Kick My Ass

I need my ass kicked.....anyone is welcome to do the job!! Ok so it is now August 6th and I have not blogged since July 26.

I officially fell off the wagon on 7-28. I actually may have fallen off the 27th but I could have justified being OP through my wine trip to Placerville, but I know me and I just felt uneasy about that so I made it a "no brainier" on the 28th. A definite falling off the wagon. I sure wish I would have eaten something really decadent but I didn't, I just ate junk that I didn't even like to make it official. OK you have now messed up. Now we are back on the wagon and OP for 6 days. That is good and I need to get to goal. I was looking at myself today and feeling really good about the losing weight this summer. And that is something to feel good about, but I can't forget that I still want to lose at least 33 more pounds and even thought I look better, I still want to look a LOT better. And I will!!

Ok..Mary be determined...and succeed!!