Tuesday, July 04, 2006


My weight has been a constant source of aggravation for several years. It is such an all consuming problem. It is NEVER completely off your mind. Fat on your body is something that is so obvious. It isn't like a messy room in your house...that you can close the door on. Fat is right out there front and center for all to see. People make assumptions about you based on your weight. I am obese, based on my BMI number and I make assumptions about overweight people....must be human nature. Dammit! Anyway I am kind of getting off my own drift.

My personal experience in regard to environment is an awareness of acceptance of my own weight. In Laughlin, I am far from the fattest person I see on a daily basis and because of that I have a different attitude and a different motivational level. But in Lake Tahoe, while I am not the fattest person I see on a daily basis, I am a lot closer. There is just a lot less fat people in Lake Tahoe and even less extreme obesity. I wonder why that is? Anyway I sure plan to fit in better in the summer of 2007.

Today is day 25 of being OP. Way to go Mary!! You can do this!! Remember this quote from MaryGrace "I am a good person and I deserve to be thin, happy, healthy.....and rich"!

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